Cow’s Milk or a Plant-based Milk: Which is More Nutritious?

Nowadays, plant-based milks are all the rage. And rightly so given that more people need alternatives to cow’s milk because of milk (or lactose) intolerances, milk allergies and individual preferences for vegan and vegetarian diets and environmentally friendlier dietary choices. But, although these plant-based milks (or non-dairy alternatives) are advertised as healthy and wholesome and... Continue Reading →

FDA Urges Drug Manufacturers to Label Meds as “Gluten Free”

Do you or someone you know have celiac disease? If so, this is good news. Celiac disease is characterized by an immune-reaction to gluten in food. Gluten is a family of proteins found in wheat, spelt, rye, and barley. The immune reaction causes inflammation in part of the small intestinal lining. Inflammation heals if foods... Continue Reading →

New FDA Health Claim: Peanuts & Infants

Parents: check with your child's healthcare provider about how this new claim might impact your infant. Access the link below (to for more information:…/New…/PressAnnouncements/ucm575008.htm… Always check with your child's healthcare provider before introducing foods containing ground peanuts. The FDA will continue to monitor research related to peanut allergies. #nutrition #health #foodallergies #peanutbutter #peanutallergy... Continue Reading →

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